The Candy Striped, Sparkly, Frosted, North Pole

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I will be the first to admit that Christmas does not rank up their on my top 5 holidays!  More like St.Patrick’s Day (Good Green Beer), Thanksgiving (I can stuff my face without an excuse), Halloween (Who doesn’t like a day of silliness and being someone else),  4th of July (I’m a photographer, fireworks make awesome photos), and maybe Labor Day (Again, Day off from work with Family=Happy Me!).  Those are my top 5, but this little rant isn’t about any of those, or really even Christmas for that matter.  I try during the holiday season, to get a jump start on holiday cheer by incorporating silly things into my life, that relate to the holidays, to help get me in the spirit.  I do enjoy Holiday tv shows, Classic Christmas stories, and music, and the beautiful decorations in Downtown Portland.  (Maine’s largest city, if your not from this neck of the woods.)

I was thinking about what keeps me motivated, to continue writing, learning, studying and pursuing my dreams, goals, and inspirations.  Life has been absolutely off the charts crazy, building a house, moving from the existing house, to now moving the existing house, a mom who has some sort of Mental disorder, the doctors are leaning towards Delusional Disorder,  a job that really is a pain in the butt,  and then you have the normal everyday stuff to attempt to keep up with! Can you say mass confusion?! That’s been my life in a handbag, lately!  But it’s ok… Cause when I was thinking this morning, of what a long day ahead of me, packing and moving…I also realized that I had a shining light in me head.  A sort of North star, light at the end of the tunnel, anchor, or guiding light.  Whatever you want to call, what keeps you going towards your dream, when you are exhausted by the everyday life struggles.  We all have struggles, but they are a little easier to contend with, when you have a guiding light in the distance!

So, randomly enough, my light this morning took on the look of Santa and the North Pole.  Welcome to the holiday season always being somewhere in the back of my conscious.  It’s candy striped, with beautiful little flickers of light shining up and down the pole.  Completely surrounded with surreal, white, fluffy and not freezing snow! Only in my dreams! At the top of pole is the most brilliant, not blinding light.  It lets off a warm glow that goes for miles or days even.  As long as I can continue directing myself towards that light, my life feels lighter.  Not quite so anxious and out of my control.  It allows me a place to go when things are getting off track.  All I have to do, is close my eyes, picture my sparkly pole and I can remove myself (my emotions) to a better place where I know that I will be fine, and get through whatever I need to.

My shining light gives me the strength to sit down and write this blog, even though I know there are other things waiting for my attention.  If I chose to ignore this feeling to write, I would be directly altering my direction, and going away from my destiny.  To write is like breathing for me.  When I ignore that calling it literally effects the rest of my day.  I feel incomplete and slightly disoriented.  Following my glow allows me to have a peaceful day, even when it is busy, stressful and uncertain.  My light stays with me through out the day.  It creates a warm, fuzzy feeling in me that I think goes well beyond myself, for even when encounters with others, are stressful that light radiates through me, the situation, and to them.

In closing my blog for the morning, I would love for you to think about what your Guiding Light is?  What do you envision?  How do you stay following your light when life is less than smooth?  How does your guiding light help you to continue on your true path, and create a well lit road map to follow your true destiny?  When you are staying true to your sparkly light, what feelings and emotions are present in your life?

Look for your light and follow it, for only then will you find absolute truth, peace and happiness!

3…2…1… Choose your dazzle!

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Choices, choices, choices…Yes, they must be made! But no sweat, by now you should have a pretty good clue, on what will float and make your holiday merrier to you!  So without further delay…Let’s get scribbling!

I say 3, 2, 1 because that pretty much sums up the breakdown of how many things/events you will choose for each of the categories we went over in last weeks holiday blog.  If you didn’t read last weeks blog, you can easily access by clicking on the categories to the right and going to the Stress-Free holiday section.  For those of you who are up to date.. Let the brainstorming begin!

Category 1: This section included the must do/haves for the holiday season.  This is your list of ideas that would make your holiday complete, stress free, and true to where you are this holiday season, emotionally, physically and financially.  This is most likely going to be your most challenging section, because it included the most vital and true to you inspired thoughts on what the holidays should hold.  But if we really want to keep the holidays, stress free, simple, and festive, than we have to choose the very top 3 in that list that without them our holidays would not be a brilliant, sparkling event!

Take your time, you want to be sure that what you are choosing is really about what is playing beautiful music to your heart.  Not someone else, but yours!  With each decision ask yourself, “Is this about me?”  “If I choose this, will it be fun and doable for me?”  Choosing something because your children or family will love it, and that melts and warms your heart to the core…Is yes, about you!!! If you thrive in the delight of going to a holiday show with your children,and seeing the priceless lit up face, and huge eyes looking on in awe…Then you have made a choice based on what you can easily do, and fits into the category of being true to you.  Making a selfless choice can be a uplifting experience, so long as it does not go against who you are, what you can reasonably afford, and isn’t putting unnecessary strain on you emotionally or spiritually. When we take care of and show the folks in our lives we love them, it helps us to thrive from the inside out!

Catagory 2:  This is the I would like to choice! This one is a little easier than the last.   Good thing hah..All this thinking and we haven’t even begun the actual shopping, making, sending, etc…. If your getting sleepy, grab that extra cup of Joe….Some days a little more jolt is just what is needed to get the job done! This category talked about events you would like to incorporate into your holiday season.  They weren’t the must have’s, they were the want to’s.  We are going to pick 2 in this section we brainstormed last week.  Remember that just because you have 15 items on the list, doesn’t mean we need to do them all.  Keeping things small, and doable is key! It’s when you add to much to your plate, you lose focus on what’s really important, the holidays become stressful, and your season becomes less than it should be! Every choice you make should be based on what will make your heart soar this holiday season.  You want it to be about blessings, simplicity, and enjoyment.  Keep those things in mind when making your choices and your holidays will be filled with gratitude, joy, and contentment!

Lastly.. Category 3… I would love to try this or that!  It’s great to try and experience something different, as often as you can.  It promotes growth, value, and excitement to life.  So by all means, let’s do it up! Pick one thing in your off the wall, out of the norm, gotta try it list!  Let it be something that will cause excitement, and not add more stress to your life now or later.  Just because you have a $10,000 credit limit on your card…Doesn’t necessarily mean book a flight to Brazil for a month and worry about the consequences later.  If you can book that flight and not worry, or stress about the outcome, than do it up!  If you are the type who you know will worry later… Don’t!!! Choose this choice with the following in mind.  “If I do this,  How will it effect me today and next month?”  “Will I be better off, if I make this choice?”  “How will this decision make my life better/worse?”  Once you have a idea of how you choice will effect you today and later you can make a pretty wise choice based on knowing your personality and how you will or will not benefit.  Simple!

With each and every choice/decision you follow, be clear as to what effects it will have on you later.   Listen to your heart, dare to go outside of the box of tradition, for traditions had to start somewhere!  With your clear list of what the holidays will be for you, we can begin the planning, buying, and deciding how to make those events be the brightest holiday ever!

5 Ways to get more of what you WANT

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Whether you are working with a life coach, or simply learning and experiencing a personal evolution.   There are many little ways to enhance the experience, either solo or with your life coach.  Here’s a few tips to help move you along, and up your positive personal energy level, on the vibrational scale.

 Working towards goals can be overwhelming and rewarding when they are achieved.   If you seem to be stuck on a goal, and haven’t moved forward as quickly as you want… Try a few of these to see if they help!

1.  Modify your goals

*Change or Clarify the Goal

*Try making the Goal, value based (Meaning, why is this important to me.  How much value will it hold in my life, as well as those around me)

*Maybe you need to take a break! It’s perfectly alright, to take a time out!  Give yourself a goal-free period.  Sometimes, walking away, rejuvenates and brings clarity to the problem.

*Set miniature goals, working towards the end goal.  Micro steps, are more manageable and allow us the positive feelings, we get when we achieve even tangible steps.  It also keeps us from feeling like giving up, and being defeated.

*Simplify~ My favorite word!  Keep it simple!  When things get too damn complicated, you get overwhelmed, restless, frustrated, and scattered brained!  If you keep your goals, manageable, small easy steps, realistic time frames and a defined, dedicated time to work on them..I think you will find that most goals are achievable, when broken down.

2.  Improve your Environment

*Establish a routine~ If you had a doctor’s appt.  you would make it, right?  Well, pencil yourself in too your calendar, just like an appointment.  It’s a clearly defined way of saying I am just as important as all other events, appt’s, and meetings!

*Create a beautiful space~If you are going to have to sit there for hours on end.  It may as well be not only functional, but pleasant to look at.  Brighten up your desk with flowers, motivational quotes, fabulous photos, and calming colors!

*Create a functional space~Maybe not as much fun as the beautiful creative space, but it will help keep the chaos down, maintain focus and allow for better productivity.   Keep things under control, with a once a week, clean up and out session.  Give yourself an hour at the end of the week, to sort through paper/e-mail and any other clutter that is not part of a project you are working on.  That way at the beginning of the week, you will be clutter free and ready to start the week off on the right foot!

3.  Create Checklists and Goal Log

*Create a Promise Log~ A colorful, fun sheet of paper, where you make promises to yourself, with a deadline just for you! By using this technique it is put up in front of you, your treating yourself as good as a friend, that you would keep a promise too! Keeping promises to ourselves, is a dramatic self esteem booster! Tell yourself your worth it, put it in pen, and right in front of you!

*Keep an Action Log~ For every goal, there are usually multiple actions that must be incorporated in order to achieve those goals.  Get a cork board, for your Logs.  They are an important way to gauge your progress, keep yourself on track, and maintain a set schedule devoted to what is important to you! Just like with a promise log, this page is for Actions!  You promised yourself, you would have a better job by Jan 1.  To get there..Your actions may include, re-doing your resume.  Calling old co-workers to see what’s out there.  Taking some classes to re-fresh some business skills you may have let slide.  Whatever the action is,  it goes here!  Again..With a date to get it done!

*Special Sparkly Project Board~ We all have the things that take up most of our time, and priorities.  But you also need fun stuff.  Fun projects, things outside the box.  Create a doodle board, for writing down things you want to work on.  Project ideas, book titles, crazy thoughts that need your time to be brought to life.  All your projects are worth working on.  It’s just sometimes you have to choose one over the other.  This is a great way to not lose that fabulous brainstorm, because you don’t have the time right this moment to dedicate to it! You will get to it! Because it’s right there on your crazy dream board, waiting and not being forgotten about!

4.  Challenge yourself to push slightly over the edge

 Don’t worry you want fall, nothing is permanent,  and all can be fixed if you don’t like it!

*Self-talk~ As if speaking with a friend.  Ask yourself,  What crazy thought would I like to do?  Why am I not doing it?  For every why,  WRITE down what would happen if I did it?  Lastly,  If worse case scenario happened,  How would it be so bad?  What could you do to alter it?  Usually we can take the worst out of our head, and put in a more realistic belief.

 Ex.  Such as, if I quit my job.

Worst case: Lose my place to live, my car, cell phone, maybe personal belongings

If worst case happened: Then what:  Get a crappy job for a while.  Live with a family or friend.  Save money, get another car.  Buy cheap phone from Walmart.  I mean really,  there are always answers for even the crappiest scenarios.  If you don’t push the boundaries, you will instead, live with regret.  I’d rather lose my car! But that too, is a personal choice!

*Make Demands of Yourself~ It’s easy to put your life on the back burner.  But I’m telling you now,  at some point you will regret that choice.  It’s important to demand of yourself to live up to your own potential.  It gives you a boost of self esteem, you can hold your head high, because you are living your life with integrity.  Don’t cut yourself so much slack, that your dreams slip right out from under you!  Demand that you show up for your own life!!

*Expand, Expand, and Expand a little more!~ Identify people, places, things you would like to meet or experience.  You are never going to get a YES if you don’t reach out to others.  Put yourself out there, your ideas, and thoughts.  Let the world see what you are made of!  Identify people that you would like to interact with.  That are in the same field you would like to be in.  Or that are living a life, that you are dreaming of.  Reach out, ask questions, read their books, really learn from those who are successful at the same things you want to be successful at.  There really is no point in making unnecessary mistakes, when someone already has the answer.  By expanding your scenery, and knowledge with folks who have already walked that path, you are speeding up your process of achieving what you want!

5.   Build on Your Strengths Delegate the Rest

~We can’t all be good at everything!  Keep this in mind, so you can improve what you are already good at, or what you enjoy.

*If there is a certain talent you already possess, build on it.  Take more lessons, talk to other’s who are good at it, read more books, take classes.  Do what ever you need to do, to become great at something you already have a natural talent for.  It will continue to blossom and grow because it’s your natural skill set.

*If there is something you are not so great at, but you think you may enjoy it.  Take the time to explore your options.  Classes, books, and other folks can give you some positive advice and choices for you to further explore this skill.

*If you really are not good at something, or truly hate it.  Explore the idea of either hiring someone to do the jobs or projects that must be done.  Even bartering with someone who is not so good at something you are pretty good at.  There are also many sites out there, where you can list your project that needs to get done, and those who are looking for freelance work, can bid on your job.

*Either way, there are many ways to speed up your production, and your ability to get more of what you would like at a little faster speed.  It’s a matter of choice, expanding beyond the normal walls of thinking,and exploring options.  Don’t close doors until you have tried them all! You never know what may be on the other side, to brighten your life.

Am I almost there yet?

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I think I sometimes ask this question, a little too often.  It seems to be in the forefront of my mind, and I’m completely unable to let it go.  As much as I wish it would go away, I think it adds stress and anxiety to what I am striving for.  I am constantly reminding myself that it’s not just about the end, or the outcome, but about the journey.  It’s about enjoying the process.  Yes I will be honest and say that it would be nice some days to be pass the big hurdles,and leg work, but isn’t that how we learn.  If it wasn’t for the hurdles, we wouldn’t fail. If we didn’t fail, we wouldn’t learn new lessons, achieve creative ways of doing things, experiment with new and exciting ventures.  We would just go about the mumbo jumbo of the daily routine, boringly, getting from one day to the next.  That certainly doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun.

As for that question, I am going to allow myself to be aware of it, but to not interfere or generate anxiety.  Because in my own way, yes I am already there! We are all where we need to be.  In this moment, I am happily who I am!


Mist among the Clarity

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I am always amazed at how some folks just grow up, knowing exactly what they want to be! I truly have always been in awe of those people.  More than anything I wish I was one of those people.  Clarity has always been some what of a distant dream.  It comes in bits and pieces.  Moments of flashes,  and random thoughts that can sometimes go, as quickly as they came.  I hear a lot about clarity and living your passion.  That the two go hand and hand.  To have one, you must have the other.  I must say that this topic, has created more anxiety and dread in my head for far too long.  Which is why after much contemplation, I just simply decided to let it go.  Not everyone works in the same way.  We don’t all come to conclusions through the same path, thoughts, or journeys.  I have decided that clarity is not the end product for me.  It’s more about the journey.  It’s about learning, reading, trying, and consciously being aware of my bits and pieces of clarity when they make themselves present.  I don’t need to have a perfect design plan, or a well thought out journey to enjoy the moment.  In all honesty I think many people unnecessarily suffer from stress, anxiety, and defeat because they get far too caught up in the end results.  It’s wonderful to know where you want to go? What you want to be? But it’s just as much of a wonder, to live today and enjoy this moment.

It hasn’t been an easy process to let go.   I still often find myself reading someones blog, website or Facebook and wonder how they perfectly come across as,  This is who I am?  This is what I do?  And this is how I can help you?  Like wow!  Fantastic.  But for me anyways it didn’t help.  Lots of great sites, information, well thought out plans, actions to take, quizzes to do, and all kinds of creative ventures that really fabulous people have designed, researched and created to help people like me.  The ever so slightly wishy washy, indecisive, layed back, nonchalant, mid-life bohemian, country gal.  Don’t get me wrong.  Love, love, love the information.  It’s amazing how much work these incredible folks have put into their products.   The dedication just blows me out the water.  I mean seriously I read one guys blog this morning, and watched a 3 minute video he had made, and I seriously wanted to cry!  I was so moved by his integrity, honesty, and incredible ability to care and share everything he has learned, as to make total strangers lives better! The guy was amazing! I have followed his blog for quite some time.  I know the story, and how he grew into his passion.  The one thing he knew for sure, was that he was interested in making other’s lives better.  The how’s, why’s, where’s and when’s didn’t matter.  He didn’t have a exact thought out plan of action.  He learned.  His journey was about knowing he wanted to help, and that was always at the forefront of everything he did, from that moment forward.

I know I will have my ups and downs.  I am 100% sure that there will be mist among the clarity.  I am certain that it will be a learning experience, a journey with a vague destination, and struggles with the rewards.  But just like this young mans awesomely inspired blog,  even if it takes 4 years or more to reach my destination,  I will not give up on what’s my passion.  The passion to help other’s dream, to support folks who have never had support.  To boost the self esteem of woman who are in transition and are feeling upside down.  I know what it’s like, to lose a lot, and not know if it’s going to be alright.  No one should feel that way.  Everyone should have dreams, and have someone in their corner, pushing them, routing for them, inspiring, motivating, and helping them to believe in their amazing self worth!!

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